"Don't let the fat chick beat you"?
It is with sad heart that I must report that lupus has won the battle this year, but trust me when I say the war is far from over! My racing days are not over by any stretch of the imagination. This is just a minor setback that will make me stronger.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
What a day off!
Coming down the trail
Thursday, April 21, 2011
10 more days!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
So tired!

Friday, April 15, 2011
The Best Laid Plans
Yesterday I had Mommy duties during my lunch break so I figured, not a big deal, the boys have their activities in the evening, I will get my training in then. Until I got a phone call letting me know Jose got hurt. I love my mom but she has no medical knowledge. She said Jose hurt his finger, my first question… what does it look like? She hands the phone to him so he can explain to me.
‘Which hand?’
“The one I write with”
‘So your left?’
‘Which finger?’
“My pointer.”
‘Which part?’
“All of it!”
‘Is it swollen?’
‘Is it straight?’
“No, I can’t bend it”
‘Let me speak to Grandma’… ‘Is his finger straight?’
“No, it looks like a hook”
‘Is it in alignment?’
“ummm, I don’t know”
‘What color is it?’
“Finger colored. Should I bring him to you?”
‘Yes please, if you don’t mind!’
10 minutes later I am down stair looking at his finger and speaking to the doctor’s office. Well, our doctor is out of the office until sometime next week. His finger was nicely swollen, the closer to the tip the more purple it got, it was bent but could be straightened (causing a lot of pain), for the most part it was in alignment. Was it broken? Dr. Mom says no. But the nurse said because of the color change I should bring him to Urgent Care to make sure there are no blood circulation issues. So, I went back upstairs, told my supervisor what was going on, grabbed my stuff and headed out. I thanked my mom for helping out (I don’t know what I would do without that woman!) and off to Urgent Care we went. Got in, there was one child out of control running back and forth (I think there was a mental disorder) but mom was doing nothing about it, she was just sitting there watching TV. Then a bigger baby (18 months[ish]) was raising holy hell and poor Jose was trying to read, ignore the pain and ignore the baby scream; he wasn’t having much luck. Cuervo made buddies with the child running back and forth and they sat at a table and played quietly (I love my kids!). Finally it was our turn to head back, Cuervo bet that Jose had fractured/broken his finger, I bet is was sprained/strained and Jose bet it was bruised. I kept saying we need to amputate and the nurse thought we were a really fun family! I have to say, we never take anything to seriously, if we did we would all die of heart attacks at an early age or being fighting with ulcers all the time, not worth it! Long story short, he managed to sprain his finger, we didn’t get out of there until after their activities were over (and I think at that point Jose just wanted to go home) so my miles did not happen!
To make life even more entertaining Freddie thought it was necessary to make the bathroom sink overflow and pretend like nothing happened at 1:00 this morning so I got up to deal with that and couldn’t get back to sleep for another 2 hours. I don’t think I am getting my miles in today either because my cough is hitting even harder, but I will drag my butt out of bed tomorrow and at least get something in, not sure how far, but I will be out there making an effort!
Saturday starts recovery week, I think this week was more of a recovery week, but whatever.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
One of goals has been to get in all my FIT training sessions accomplished, well, I am sick! One of my evil little germ buckets shared with me so I have done some serious modifications. Instead of running 4 miles, then 5 miles, then… I have been doing some pretty good walking. I have been hitting the treadmill and setting it to hills and walking at a 4.0 pace; every time it goes to a 0% incline I jog a little. Yesterday I was able to get a two-fer in. I enjoyed a walk during lunch and I had wanted to go to Zumba but I wasn’t out of work in time to get to the class. I went down to our wonderful little gymlet to get a full body weight session in. One of my co-workers came in and we started chatting. This gentleman is more than just a co-worker, he is a friend. A few years back he took me and, later, my older son rock climbing. He is a very kind person. He asked me how I have been feeling (he knows about the whole lupus thing and the fact I am a runner and this that and everything else) and he was happy to hear I am feeling a lot better, still fighting with fatigue but all in all, better! We talked about work, and then I find out he and his wife (of 12 years) are separating! WHAT??? Why? “She says I am not crazy enough about her anymore.” I am the first to admit, when it comes to marriage I have a VERY pessimistic person when it comes to marriage. I could not believe how much pain I saw on his face, his heart was truly breaking.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
8 Years
Ok, it is actually eight years and a day! Yesterday was my eighth anniversary… of my divorce! Since then I have been in one semi serious relationship, a few dates and a lot of life changing events. I met my ex and about a year later we were married, the majority of this time he was deployed to Bosnia. It was less than six months from the time we started actually dating to the time we stood in front of the judge and said ‘I do.’
There really aren’t words to explain these last eight years. I have accomplished so much, the most important is I have found out who I am. I have learned that when I stumble there are people there who will catch me and help me on my way. I have learned you can’t do a damn thing unless you try. I quit smoking. I have completed a number of triathlons to include a half ironman and my full ironman is on the horizon where I can see it. I have run 5Ks and marathons (I lost my marbles), and everything in between! I have successfully dealt with two children with special needs. I have, not accepted the fact, but dealt with the fact that I have multiple autoimmune diseases. I have started working on my Bachelor’s Degree and I am now more than half way to completing it.
Eight years ago, I didn’t know who I was. I thought the only way to survive is by having a man in my life. Well, the men in my life today are there because I want them, not need them. The men in my life today know how to treat a lady. Ok, the men in my life right now are the two cutest young men I have ever seen (one of them isn’t far from being taller than I am) and the other two are bed and/or blanket hogs. But I am proud to have them a part of who I am.
Eight years go by and a lot changes!Friday, April 1, 2011
30 Days Hath September, APRIL, June and November

A few things about this blog have changed. First and foremost, the weight tracker. It is a little disconcerting seeing how much weight I have lost vs. the total amount I am shooting for. So, it now reflects my short term goal (I shoot for 10% of the total amount at a time). At the bottom I also have added my countdown to my two “A” races this year. I have my half ironman in September and the Denver Marathon in October. The half ironman is not so much an “A” race more like a test to see how I am improving.
In March I had 68.5 miles on the books but only completed 52.23 (yuck!). That is definitely something that needs to be worked on! That barely over 75% of the miles I should have completed. I have a 4 mile run on the books for today that got moved to tomorrow (Monday was a little rough so everything got bumped back a day) with that miles included I would have been over 80%.