"Don't let the fat chick beat you"?

I have been racing for about 5 years now. I am not a typical runner or even triathlete. I fight with serious medical conditions every step of the way, but each step makes me stronger. I have two boys both with special needs and I have learned to chalk that up to making me stronger as well.

It is with sad heart that I must report that lupus has won the battle this year, but trust me when I say the war is far from over! My racing days are not over by any stretch of the imagination. This is just a minor setback that will make me stronger.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sugar and Spice and Nothing Made of Salt

15 Apr 12

Everyone once in a while (seems more often at times) you end up with a week of complete and absolute upheaval, that was last week.  Health wise I am currently a guinea pig, I am off one med (that messes with lungs and liver), I get all sorts of lab work (I really wish they would learn I need those liquids too!), x-rays, EKGs and blah, blah, blah.  We shall see how all that turns out.
Training wise, this week went pretty well, sort of.  I got treadmill, spin, swimming and yoga in this week. I was supposed to run with the run group on Saturday, but Freddie had different plans! He decided to lay on my alarm so it didn’t go off.  But, Jose and I did some weight lifting in the way of yard work.

Today I experience something new…  I am used to the fact that if I eat something with a higher salt content my fingers turn into sausages.  Today, I was supposed to have lunch with my family (parents, sister and kiddos) but the place we were going is closed on Sundays! So my mom and dad decided to go home, but my kiddos were still hungry so we ended up at their favorite Chinese place.  Well, I know I have to be careful today I got a rude wakeup call to just how much attention I need to pay.  In less than an hour after eating I was feeling like crap, my legs were swelling and it was just no fun.  My legs are still swollen, but they are calming down some, I am hoping they will be all better tomorrow.  I return to my rheumy next week and this is something I will be bringing up with him. 

This week I planned on starting the Body for Life Challenge, but the protein drinks they require participates to use have to much sodium for me, so that is not going to happen.  I still want to do something similar, but it will be a slightly modified version.  I too before pictures and there is no way in hell I am posting them!

Tomorrow is Day 1, Week 1! Goal this week – 5 days of training!

~If you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself you should say: "He obviously does not know me very well, since there are so many other faults he could have mentioned"~

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