The day finally arrived after running in circles for a few hours we finally got on the road for the airport. We got to the airport with about 5 hours to spare, both of my boys were bouncing off the walls, so sitting in an airport for any period of time would have been a little painful! Much to my surprise, I had no issue getting my running bag through security. We stopped at Concorde B to get some lunch, typically airport price but the food wasn't to bad. We got to our gate with more than two hours until take off. Kiddo #1 and I left Kiddo #2 babysitting my sister as we were off to find Starbucks. Our gate was in Concord C and Starbucks was at the VERY end of Concord B. I vote it took us about an hour to get to Starbucks, get our drinks and get back to the gate. It was finally time to board, since I am not exactly a small person (I am not huge either) I was scared I would be told I need two seats because my butt was so big! Kiddo #2 was sitting with my sister and Kiddo #1 was sitting with me; we had it set up with this way for two reasons, my sister is bigger than I am and Kiddo #2 is a little guy and I have a fear of take-offs and landings and I really didn't want Kiddo #1 to pick up on it. Well, my butt fit in the seat just fine! And Kiddo #1 did a fantastic job keeping me calm during the take off. As we were flying I was able to take some really cool pictures (coming soon to a blog near you!). Kiddo #1 said we were flying over the Grand Canyon, I tried to tell to him it was actually a fault line that was caused by the end of the world like in 2012, for some strange reason, he didn't believe me. A few minutes later the pilot announced we were flying over the Grand Canyon. About two hours after take off we were on our final decent. Kiddo #1 and I were not on the ocean side of the plane, but that is ok. We got off the plane and of course POTTY STOP! We went to the baggage claim grabbed our bags and headed off to the ground transportation area. We took the bus to the rental place and we picked up Sally, she is a white convertible Ford Mustang. With the directions being repeated at least three times we found our way to the hotel without to much difficulty. We checked in and hit the hay!
Day 2 – I woke up at 4 something here time (I guess I am so used to Charlie waking me up for some love that early). Kiddo #1 woke up a little while little bit after I did so we turned on the TV and watched some MASH while my sister and Kiddo #2 kept sleeping. Luckily I fell back to sleep and Kiddo #2 woke up and enjoyed some TV time. We got out the door at about 9 and found a breakfast stop on the beach, the food was pretty good, the view was amazing. After breakfast we drove around and ended up at the race expo (we were enjoying a drive and ended up downtown). I got my race number, my shirt and my baggie. Then into the expo itself. I picked up two shirts; one long sleeve and one short (picks to come). I picked up a new race belt with picket thing (I don't know where I put my other one, this one has polka dots!). OH! And I got a shirt from One More Mile - “Does this shirt make my butt look fast?” my sister was a great sister and got me a headband “Running is a mental sport and we are all insane!” (I have a great sister). After the expo we did more driving, found Balboa Park – we will defiantly make stop there to spend some time before we leave. Then we headed east, we stopped and grabbed some lunch at an alleged Greek place, all I can say is Greek my butt! Before coming home we hit the grocery store luckily it is related to our usual store so we could use our shopping card. We got home (the hotel) and relaxed, and watched Run Fat Man, Run, funny movie. The boys just had to go to the pool, so we headed down there for a little while and now we are calling it a night.
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