"Don't let the fat chick beat you"?

I have been racing for about 5 years now. I am not a typical runner or even triathlete. I fight with serious medical conditions every step of the way, but each step makes me stronger. I have two boys both with special needs and I have learned to chalk that up to making me stronger as well.

It is with sad heart that I must report that lupus has won the battle this year, but trust me when I say the war is far from over! My racing days are not over by any stretch of the imagination. This is just a minor setback that will make me stronger.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday has returned

Well, I not only forgot to weigh in this morning I forgot to get a picture. Oh well, I can do that tomorrow morning! My goal for this week is 45 minutes at lunch every day of cardio, two post dinner walks with Kiddo #1 and monster mutt (might take my baby girl instead, all depends on the temp), one yoga class, weekend – Incline or Waldo Canyon and a nice bike ride. Oh! I would like to hit the pool at some point! Oh yea, and now that I have been back in Colorado for a week, it is time to start hitting the stairs again!

Monday – 45 minute Elliptical – after dinner walk
Tuesday – 45 minute treadmill (primarily walking) – after dinner walk
Wednesday – 45 minute Elliptical – yoga
Thursday – 45 minute treadmill (primarily walking)/short ride (no more than 30 minutes)
Friday – 45 minute Elliptical
Saturday – Incline/Waldo Canyon
Sunday – Ride

(Yoga Image: www.amo-eyecare-sea.com/sg/download.html)


  1. I thought you were taking a break!

  2. http://www.runningandrambling.com/2010/06/merrell-goes-barefoot.html

    check out this review!
