"Don't let the fat chick beat you"?

I have been racing for about 5 years now. I am not a typical runner or even triathlete. I fight with serious medical conditions every step of the way, but each step makes me stronger. I have two boys both with special needs and I have learned to chalk that up to making me stronger as well.

It is with sad heart that I must report that lupus has won the battle this year, but trust me when I say the war is far from over! My racing days are not over by any stretch of the imagination. This is just a minor setback that will make me stronger.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So someone somewhere was kind enough to share their bug with me and like a good mommy I shared with my kiddos. Because of everything else that I deal with I got smart and only waited a week before heading to the doc. A week later, Z pack and some really good cough meds I am returning to me! Over the weekend when I begrudgingly went grocery shopping with my sister I picked up three workout videos by Jillian Michaels. 30-day shred, Yoga something and weight something or another (did I mention the cough medicine was the good stuff with the codeine in it?!). Obviously I have absolutely no intention of starting this week but I will start hitting play next Monday, and I will see what Jillian can do for me. Today I am excited because I feel I will be able to make it to the gymlet for a nice easy workout.
To add to the whole weight loss battle, I have restarted Weight Watchers (I was so excited when I had only put on 9 pounds after my marathon weekend trip [we were there for two weeks]). When I went to my first WW meeting I was still under what I had been when I had first started. YAY! I also got a BoddyBugg, hey, I want to see how my calorie burning goes throughout the day. It has been interesting so far, but I haven’t had it during a workout, let alone a good workout! I need to be close to MY goal weight by next June (no, I am not getting married this is even better… I will be doing my first full Ironman!) Between now and then I have a century ride and a half Ironman that I do not want to be carrying all this weight for.
So, from 7 Feb – 9 Mar 11 I will be doing the 30-day shred and to make it a little more interesting I will throw in a 30-day challenge! (Oh, and trust me, a full review of the videos will follow!)

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