"Don't let the fat chick beat you"?

I have been racing for about 5 years now. I am not a typical runner or even triathlete. I fight with serious medical conditions every step of the way, but each step makes me stronger. I have two boys both with special needs and I have learned to chalk that up to making me stronger as well.

It is with sad heart that I must report that lupus has won the battle this year, but trust me when I say the war is far from over! My racing days are not over by any stretch of the imagination. This is just a minor setback that will make me stronger.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Junk in the Trunk!

I freely admit I am still a child at heart.  When someone I know goes on a trip (no matter what the reason) I love getting presents when they get back!  Last Saturday morning my closest running buddy made my entire year!

I have made it more than obvious that I am on the fluffier side; I working on downsizing, but I will never be teeny tiny.  Last Saturday I was grumbling a little because I really wanted to still be in bed, but it was long run day and I had miles to put in.  I haven’t been able to see my friend Lynne very often because she has been training for a marathon and my next marathon isn’t until October.  Not only had she run her marathon, she was back in town, YAY! She stopped by at the beginning of the run to visit with people and show off her really cool medal (yes, the Flying Pig Marathon is on my list of races to run!).  She also handed me a bag with a green shirt in it.  I pull the shirt out and the front has ‘Southern Belle’ written on it.  I flip it over and almost fall over laughing about what the back says… “There is nothing pretty about skin & bones. You need some junk in your trunk. ™” I decided since Fridays are causal day I would wear it to work today.  I can’t wait to see if I get any comments about it. 
Oh! Knee is still being weird, grinding a little more than usual, but the pain has decreased since yesterday morning.  I was able to get some treadmill time in yesterday (taking it VERY easy) I was going 5 minute increments between weight sets and not really pushing it (not to mention I had my brace on).
It is Friday, it is my year one anniversary of facing lupus, but I will get to that later!

~If you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself you should say: "He obviously does not know me very well, since there are so many other faults he could have mentioned"~

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